Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Two Favorite Blogs

This is my shout out and bit of starry eyed admiration for my two favorite blogs.  (In case you were wondering I am in no way associated with either of these fine bits of internet reading material.)  (I’m small time)
Number One:  The Art of Manliness
A very awesome blog devoted to bringing back the “Man’s man.”  Tutorials, short biographies, essays, and all sorts of other great stuff all related to becoming “Manly”.  I love the idea of bringing back the “Gentleman,” we should all strive to be more well-read, well traveled, and classy.  It is high time we cast away our “Mookish” behavior and become the men we are destined to be! (The term “mook” was coined in a very eye-opening documentary called the “Merchants of Cool” and the term refers to the Tom Green and Johnny Knoxville like attitudes many people seem to adopt).
                Number Two: The Rules of a Gentleman
The Rules of a Gentleman runs along the same lines as the Art of Manliness, this is just a simple collection of rules and quotes that every gentleman should follow.

I think for my next blogpost I’m going to put together a thoughtful post on becoming a gentleman, and what that means (at least for me)

I also suggest watching the “Merchant’s of Cool” it is a great documentary and definitely worth your time.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoying the Rules of a Gentleman, like its simplicity and even the added note for humor/clarification.
